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Schumann (1810 - 1856)

Symfonie nr. 3

I will not start by telling about Schumann, how I thought he was a very successful composer at his time. When visiting the Schumann house in Leipzig I found out he wasn't!


But he was highly appreciated and esteemed by fellow musicians, like Mendelssohn and Brahms (as a young man). And how Mahler commented his orchestrations were just no good. And maybe his writings were at sometime more popular than is music.

After Leipizg he moved to Dresden and later to Dusseldorf where he eventually would jump into the Rhine and end his life in an asylum.  And did his wife Clara had a relationship with Brahms yes, or no? At tha time, or later when he was passed away,


None of that matters: although the 3rd symphony is only written shortly before that, and although it is called “Rheinish” this will all be of no influence on how I appreciate this music To give you an idea of the positive flow of the piece, here are the opening passages of the symfony 

Symphony nr 3, opening part 1

Symphony n 3, opening part 2

Symphony n 3, opening part 3

Symphony n 3, opening part 4

Symphony n 3, opening part 5

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